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Monday, May 10, 2010

Jogging on Sunday!

I just started a new habit: Jogging on Sunday morning!
I managed to woke up early last Sunday lol heheh so I able to go to the Tegallega city forest/park as I planned and jog there, and boy it was great to breath the fresh air and get extra oxygen!!!
I never thought jogging could be as fun as biking which still my fav besides swimming and Body Language by the way.
I think something got into my brain after browsing here and there.:-P

Anyway, back to the The Tegallega city forest/park. This city park is a place where the Bandung Lautan Api monument is located. What is Bandung lautan Api monument you ask? believe me, its a looooooong story and I hate to make you boring really but I can tell you, Its use to be a horse race track ( The Dutch East Indie).


  1. Good on you lady! I used to hate running but when I saw my legs transforming from tree trunks to celery sticks it motivated me haha ^^ At least you can run in the wild, i run on treadmills ugh!x

  2. Wakakakakak that was soo funny how you say it. You always make me laugh, mademoisselle! Even your fashion reviews!:-D
    Oh my god..
    I think jogging and biking can make our legs a bit chungky thats kinda worries me lol so I think must do other sport too and garder ma linge. Body language can makes me sexy hihihi thats why its stil my fav.X


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