Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Blog Button MIG

Hello Fellow Blogger!

Did you see my Linky party on one of my pages?
You have two options to join my Linky party; simply enter your blog/site link OR you can also join my blog hoop instead but you need to have a blog button to join.

Blog button is another way to promote your blog  and bring traffic to your blog  makes a  blog button a must have for blogger so you can exchange it with other fellow blogger.

Don't have a blog  button or don't know how to make a blog button? ah then you are in the right place!

This post is dedicated to all my fellow bloggers who asked me how to make a blog button and also for other bloggers who come across my blog coz today I am going to share-or re share to be exact, how to make your own linkable button  with scrolling text box underneath like my blog button shown on my left side bars.

I already shared this last year but many still confuse especially for new bloggers.

Anyway, the avatar image above you saw is how my button looks like when you grab it by copy its html code and paste it on you blog. To check if it works, click on the image and it will instantly take you away to my blog.

You can have it too on your blog soon as you can make your own button so  you can  either start exchange blog button with other bloggers on blog sphere or host your own blog hoop party on your blog.

This is a very simple and easy tutorial and everyone can do it and- again, I insist you to try to make it yourself even if you're not familiar with HTML/Java script.

This code have been tested for blogger.

Here we go, 

✿ In blogger under Layout, choose to add a gadget. Chose HTML/ Java script.

In the title box, type something like 'Get My Button"

✿ Copy and paste the code below into the text box.

Replace the colored information with your blog's information and your button web address.

This is  sample of how the code will look like after you filled in with information.

✿ Save and position your button where you want

Save your changes and view your blog.

And this is sample of gadget should look like on your blog, or like my blog buttons you found on my left side bars.


✿ Please check more info on my last post HERE

How to get web address for your button? get more info HERE

✿ Make sure that there is only one http://before your web address and before the image web address. If you copy and paste you may need to delete an extra http:// in order for the code to work.

You can adjust the height and width of the text boxby changing the value after the row= and cols= in the code above.

✿ When you make blog button or you exchange blog button with other blogger you will not want your button or theirs cost too much space so the standard size for blog button you want to advertise is 150 pixels.

To make blog button you will need to save your image to online photo album- I use photobucket, in order to get internet link for the image.

✿ The gadget should looks like in the image above or like my blog button you see on my left side bar.

Now that you have a blog button, you can add it to your blog so your blogger fellows can place it to their blogs.

If you want to help me rock the blog hoop party, don't hesitate to contact me where I could find my button on your blog and tell me where to get your blog button HTML code so I can return the favor.

Cant wait to see hows your blog button looks like !

mignonesia's doc []


You people are amazing! Thank you for your time visiting and reading my entries. Please don't leave my blog a secret, I'd love to hear what you think about this one too!✿◠‿◠
Ps: Anyone can post comments on my posts but starting this year 2013, any comment contains commercial product or services advertisement without my permission/agreement, will be deleted by me. Sorry! ✿>‿♥