Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Do you use slang on the net?

:) I do. Although not as much and I don't use it in every situation either but it sure easier and really helps especially if it can not be said using traditional language.

I don't know about you but am not familiar with all the slang terms/acronyms/abbreviation but If I know and I use it and you ask me what it means, I surely would be happy to tell you.

I guess every country has their own Internet slang e,g when a friend of mine from Thailand posted her comment on my post and she wrote 555, it got me all confused immediately so I asked her what it means and to my surprise, she said it means hahaha.

While my other online friends from Aljazair and also Turkey- prob other countries around it, would just write hhhhhh for the same meaning.

I have to say, I am much familiar with LOL or like other Indonesian, I would just write wkwkwkwk but its sure fun to know another way to expressing laughter coz I laugh easily in reality and yes mine is loud most of the time too. X_X

So why people use slang? to my curiosity I browsed and I agreed with this quote  "A people  who are prosperous and happy, optimistic and progressive, produce much slang: it is a case of play: they amuse them self with the language" W.Summer, A. Keller, M.Davie (Sociologists), 1927 which I found here

With some people, using slang will have positive consequences, With other, it will be received very negatively. The smart one knows when to use it and when not to.

In this post I want to share list of slang terms, acronyms, abbreviations as used in websites, Internet forum, blogs, sms and chat room I am familiar with but mostly I just do my little research a.k.a I google them. Hihi.

The reason why I post it also because some of my curious friends asking me about the slang I use and why I use it when I talk to them so next time they ask me, I will just give my post link and hope that it will also boost my traffic too. sigh. Well, on peut toujours essayer, n'est pas? *evil grind*

Anyway, hope it useful and I might come back again to this post and update it. There's sooo many. YAY!

LMAO - Laughing My As* Off
LOL - Laughing Out Loud

AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AFK =Away From Keyboard
ASAP =As Soon As Possible
BAS = Big A$$ Smile
BBL = Be Back Later
BBN =Bye Bye Now
BBS = Be Back Soon
BEG =Big Evil Grin
BF =Boyfriend
BIBO =Beer In, Beer Out
BRB =Be Right Back
BTW =By The Way
BWL = Bursting With Laughter
C&G =Chuckle and Grin
CICO =Coffee In, Coffee Out
CID =Crying In Disgrace
CNP =Continued (in my) Next Post
CP =Chat Post(a chat message)
CRBT =Crying Real Big Tears
CSG =Chuckle Snicker Grin
CYA =See You (Seeya)
CYAL8R = See You Later (Seeyalata)
DLTBBB = Don't Let The Bed Bugs Bite
EG =Evil Grin
EMSG =Email Message
FC =Fingers Crossed
FTBOMH =From The Bottom Of My Heart
FYI =For Your Information
FWIW =For What It's Worth
GAL = Get A Life
GF = Girlfriend
GFN = Gone For Now
GMBA = Giggling My Butt Off
GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike
GTSY = Glad To See You
H&K =Hug and Kiss
HABU = Have A Better 'Un
HAGN = Have A Good Night
HAGU =Have A Good 'Un
HHIS = Hanging Head in Shame
HUB = Head Up Butt
IAE = In Any Event
IC = I See
IGP = I Gotta Pee
IMNSHO = In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
IMCO = In My Considered Opinion
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IOW = In Other Words
IRL = In Real Life
IWALU = I Will Always Love You
JMO = Just My Opinion
JTLYK = Just To Let You Know
KIT = Keep In Touch
KOC = Kiss On Cheek
KOL = Kiss On Lips
L8R = Later
L8R G8R = Later 'Gater
LHM = Lord Help Me
LHO = Laughing Head Off
LHU = Lord Help Us
LMAO = Laughing My A$$ Off
LMSO = Laughing My Socks Off
LOL = Laugh Out Loud
LSHMBB = Laughing So Hard My Belly is Bouncing
LSHMBH = Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts
LSHTTARDML = Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running Down My Leg
LTNS = Long Time No See
LTS = Laughing To Self
LUWAMH = Love You With All My Heart
LY = Love Ya
MTF = More To Follow
NRN = No Reply Necessary
NADT = Not A Darn Thing
OIC = Oh, I See
OL = Old Lady (significant other)
OM = Old Man (significant other)
OTOH = On The Other Hand
OTTOMH = Off The Top of My Head
PDS = Please Don't Shoot
PITA = Pain In The A$$
PM = Private Message
PMFJI = Pardon Me For Jumping In
PMP = Peed My Pants
POAHF = Put On A Happy Face
QSL = Reply
QSO = Conversation
QT = Cutie
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLAPMP = ROFL And Peeing My Pants
ROFLUTSROFL = Unable to Speak
RTFM = Read The F****** Manual!
SETE = Smiling Ear To Ear
SHID = Slaps Head In Disgust
SIGH = Exhale depressedly
SNERT = Snot-Nosed Egotistical Rude Teenager
SO = Significant Other
SOT = Short Of Time
SOTMG = Short Of Time Must Go
SWAK = Sealed With A Kiss
SWAS = Scientific Wild A$$ Guess
SWL = Screaming with Laughter
SYS = See You Soon
TA = Thanks Again
TGIF = Thank God It's Friday
TCOY = Take Care Of Yourself
TILII = Tell It Like It Is
TNT = Till Next Time
TOY = Thinking Of You
TTFN = Ta Ta For Now
TTYL = Talk To You Later
WAS = Wild A$$ Guess
WB = Welcome Back
WTH = What/Who The Heck (or sub an 'F' for the 'H')
YBS = You'll Be Sorry
YG = Young Gentleman
YL = Young Lady
YM = Young Man
YEP= Yes
YAY= Cocaine/ Exclamation of approval
YAWN= Boring
XOXO= Kisses & Hugs (X= kiss, O= hug)

So how often do you use Internet/texting slang in your text messages?

image source:


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