Monday, November 14, 2011

News from Mignonesia!

Greeting everyone!

This is my quick post! How are you today? Thank you for visiting my blog. As you can see I've made some changes with Mignonesia; upgrade my my widgets, adding this and that,there will be more but I must do everything one by one when I have the time for it,I hope it will done before the end of the year. How time flies!  I just hope you'll like them, btw.

So First ,My color theme is now orange! since orange is blogger logo's color, I got ispired by it and why not? this color fits with my header image anyway and looks pretty with my white color background too. I like it and  I also try not to hurt your eyes, is it works tho? hehehe

Second change I've made is 8 featured blogs on my side bar. Just click to visit guys, those are blogs I recommend to visit .

I have this featured blog for quite sometimes and from now on I decided to update the list periodically.
Why eight you ask well that's because I like the number. Eight doesn't break. A yee!

Anyway, any good  blogs will have a chance to be featured on the list. Blogs featured are taken either from my follower, blogs I follow, blogs on my linky party, blogs I found via my shout box or blogs I found  anywhere on the net and that I stumble on.

These 8 blogs have at least one of these criterias; good, inspiring, informative, artistic, creative, fun or unique content, anything that can inspire other blogger or reader- in my view and most important thing is they are also active blogs.

There's so many good blogs I found on blog sphere and just itchy to share them with you all here. I hope you enjoy these blogs as much as I do coz I learn so much from them.

I will also post links list of previous featured blogs or sites that not longer on the list asap so you can always track them and visit them. Please note,they are not longer on the featured list not because they are bad blog but because there's no status quo so each blog has its own turn. I might also refeature some blogs, so let just see about that too.

I mention in the beginning of this post that I've upgraded my widgets too. Well one of them is my my shout box widget. Yep, I've decided to upgrade it too!

I've been find a way to avoid spam shout on my shout box. I found spam links and sites on my prev shout box , I could only delete them but with the upgrade shout box its possible to prevent them also banned them so I like it better now. 
You still can use my shout box to promote you site, blogs or you just have something to say but no more spam shout or links, sorry!

How to shout? just click  +More Option button to sign in with your email address ( ur email will not shown to public but it requires and I like it coz it will eliminate those spam) or you can also sign in with ur  facebook account or your twitter account, you will have to verify them and after you do  you can shout on my shout box and click +More option button again to sign out  or you can stay in on my shout box with others who's online and have live chat together , how cool is that!
So go ahead give it a try. Enjoy my new shout box and good luck promoting ur blog or ur site here also.
I also have manage my Pages on my blog. You can find my links on social network site that I join in all in one page now .
I named the page,  MY SOCIAL NETWORK page. you can find it on my tabs under the header , just click it.

Last one I able to manage so far is embeding my community on BlogFrog to my blog so you my visitor can also view and join the discussion. I named my community, Mig's Community. Honestly Its been very quite for quite long, thanks to my hectic busy time I had but since I don't want to loose it and the member keep increased too, now I am trying to re-active it again  with big hope that I can moderate it better than before- wish me luck!

Anyway, Mig's community is a place for everyone in any part of the world to discuss and share and guess what? you don't have to be member to participate the discussion- Nah ,I don't wont to give you that burden haha so if you have something to say just share share share but if you want to join your self in, please do , you are always welcome!
Either way, I hope you enjoy your great time there coz that's what Mig's community is here for.

How to find and join the discussion just click the tabs link under my my header thats says MIG"S COMMUNITY  and you will see  the hot discussion or if you want to create your own  you can do so by browsing the discussion topic.

So guys what do you think? if you have any ideas for me to improve my blog don't hesitate to share it. There's comment box below where you can post it, I'd like to hear it, iheart ur feedback seriously.

Well that's news from me for now,stay tune for my next blog post everyone!!!

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