Monday, February 21, 2011


Yay  its Sunday already!
How was your weekend?! Hope you had a nice one!^^
I type this post on my lunch break- I got something to give away! Wohoooo
Its a Comment button and you can add it to your blog for free! I am so excite!!!^-^

Le voila,

 See, I don't always got comment on my blog post- sounds familiaryet as blogger I heart feedback.

So I decided to make my own comment button.
I choose Sméagol/Gollum- hope it doesn't scares you tho hihihi, not only because I liked the movie but also Gollum's quote "My Precccccciouss!",  kinda stick on head- Gollum needs to go to ring rehab btw, bwhahaha.

But preccccccious indeed and its true when it comes to any kind of feedback on my blog; the visit, comment, shout, follower, friend add, advices etc are precious to me. 
These are what made blogging so much fun AND since I just participated on Kindhearted Blogger Campaign, I decided to give away the blog button that I made.

So go ahead take it, it yours!  You can find the HTML code on the left side bar 
(just scroll it okay)

About the kindhearted pledge, 
Its a good campaign started by a blogger.She is the author of emjayandme
I decided to join in, because I read her post and I feel her - I don't always met nice person on the net myself or found some kindness behind those screen names but if we want a change then we have to start from our self. 
I think its a good campaign and you can join yourself also.
Visit her blog so you can also took it and put it on your blog or site.

Btw, if you not fancy my comment button, boo hoo.. then make your own LOL.
Don't know how to make one? noooo worries. I didn't know how to make a blog button before either but I browsed it and last year, I found a very simple tutorial.
So if any of you don't know how to make a blog button, this is your chance. 
Its very simple and easy and I insist you to try to make it yourself even if you're not familiar with HTML/Javascript

I've shared it on my community forum at Blog frog last year and I thought why not share it again here.

Please note that I don't make it my self, I am just spreading it.
You never know when you looking for it and you come across to my site and viola , you found the answer and save your time from browsing and looking..
I browse a lot myself too and sometimes browsing and looking  what I need on the net, takes so much time and its tiring plus I must be aware with bad viruses- I don't want my laptop or my PC got any of them! grrrrrh.

Anyway, below is the the HTML code to make the blog button with a scrolling text box underneath ( mine have been customized by me). 
They made it colorful so you can easily replace them later with your own.

They note that this code is specifically for Blogger and the standard size for blog button you want to advertise is 150 pixels.
To add blog button to your blog, first you must save your picture to an online photo album, they use Photobucket so I use it too.
You can get direct internet link for the image with Photobucket which you will need to retrieve to activate the Link Option's box simply by scrolling over the image.  
They tell you step by step how to format the code properly, what you need to replace the generic information with your information and how to test if your blog button works. 
You can go to their site here,  a-heart4home for a complete detail tutorial and of course better explanation.

Gud luck spreading your blog with your blog button to the world  AND if you decide to use my presssssious comment button , you will go straight to heaven honey, God Bless You!:D

Last but not least, have a nice day today! XOXO


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I grabbed your button and it is now on my page! I would love to do some guest blogging! Let me know what you'd like me to write.



  2. Thank for visiting me back my blog and for grabbing my button too!
    For Guess blogging, its up to you. just write anything you want. I will just email about the detail later to make easier for you, ok.

    I'll talk to you soon!^^


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You people are amazing! Thank you for your time visiting and reading my entries. Please don't leave my blog a secret, I'd love to hear what you think about this one too!✿◠‿◠
Ps: Anyone can post comments on my posts but starting this year 2013, any comment contains commercial product or services advertisement without my permission/agreement, will be deleted by me. Sorry! ✿>‿♥